Dunfermline Athletic

Leomn Aid on the go

Sunday, 28th Mar 2010

Lemonaid Charities largest delegation yet will head out to Haiti on Saturday the 20th of March from Dunfermline.

Lemonaid Charities largest delegation yet will head out to Haiti on Saturday the 20th of March from Dunfermline. The team made up of nurses,doctors, pharmacists, architects, welders, plumbers and football coaches have a packed diary of projects and plans lined up.

Delivering 1,500 kg of medicines and emergency supplies the team will work for up to two weeks in a number of areas including the Island of Lagonave and remote areas where no doctor has gone in years as the conditions are so bad.

1200 plus children will be innoculated with life saving medication including further examinations and health checks. The last battery of tests brought some welcome good news when all the children were found to be HIV free.

Manchester United Architect Gary Hebblewhite and Alan Krypias the Architect of the new Liverpool stadium will be redesigning the hospital with earthquake proof structures in mind. With a 12 month ban on new builds until some sort of building regulations are put in place the team face new challenges every day but nothing will stop Lemonaid fulfilling there promises to deliver the goods.

The welders will get busy building new beds for the orphans as well as safety gratings for the windows to protect the children from being stolen by the child traffickers.
Official Commonwealth games photographer Steve Lyndsay a great supporter of Lemonaid will travel again with the team taking up to date pictures of the conditions in Haiti keeping the disaster in the publics interest.

Swindon Towns Haitian player Lescinal Jean - Francois who plays alongside Craig Easton and had a short spell at Aberdeen and Falkirk is safe but very worried about his sister as no one has heard from her since the earthquake. Lemonaid will be making an effort to see if they can find her and put her brothers mind at ease.

Lemoniad will be assessing there other projects progress including the solar powered fresh water plants, wells,goat programmes,orphans and other suffering families. Lemonaids long term plan is to see total restoration of the land of Haiti.

One of the many ideas they will be looking at is to see if the very successful mini orphanage strategy thats working very well with the thousands of Watoto children in Uganda where many who have been rescued from the child soldiers armies are cared for. The idea involves building hundreds of homes where a mother lives with 9 orphans in each home.

The model in Uganda educates the children to a professional standard as well as meeting their many needs. Watoto have just had there first orphan thats come though there programme into government.

Lemonaid are addressing the immediate and urgent needs as well as laying plans to raise up the children as great leaders in all professions as excellent leadership is required to sustain on going development .

Pastor Jimmy Dowds said the team are well aware of the pitfalls and irresponsible aid efforts in the past that have led to funds not producing the goods and Lemonaid have a " no hand out policy." but they take total responsibility with fortnightly trips delivering and producing the goods, ensuring the funds and supplies get directly to the heart of the disaster.

Lemonaid have been amazed at the public support from local pars fans, scouts, churches, pharmacies, travel agents, sfa and so many others from the public.

250 musicians and artists recorded a single at Abbey road studios recently to help fund Lemonaid. Never before have we seen so many fundraising events around the town and UK for Lemonaids work.

Two large concerts in aid of the work will take place beside Edinburgh airport in the highland showground in June that normally draws 6,000 plus supporters of Lemonaid. The www.frenzyfrenzy.com site has al the details.

Football coach Aaron Dowds will run an sfa backed football tournamant for hundreds of the street kids with a giant feast and party for all distributing toys,games and 1,500 glow sticks kindly donated for the occasion.

Lemonaid would like once again to thank all the great pars fans who have been in touch making enquiries and lending support.

I write this article from Vasteras in Sweden from one of the many churches around the world that we provide coaching,direction and oversight for and there interest and support of the work of Lemonaid is tremendous.

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