Dunfermline Athletic

Pentecost in the Glen 2010

Saturday, 15th May 2010

For the first time in over a decade a two day celebration of the founding of the Christian Church will take place within the Pavilion and surrounding area within Pittencrieff Park, Dunfermline 22nd and 23rd May.

Many local churches will be involved in explaining the Christian story and heritage of Dunfermline, while the Pavilion will be open from 10am Saturday and Sunday, allowing public access to a whole range of displays, exhibits, events and Family Fun and an opportunity for Worship.

Rev. Iain Sutherland of Gillespie Memorial Church explained: “This is a fun week-end for all the family to join us in celebrating the birthday of the Christian Church. Numerous events and displays have been organised for both days, highlighting the work done by the various churches in our community”.

Iain continued “Saturday is primarily children’s day with the afternoon being devoted to games, activities and crafts for the young ones”.

The morning will also see the launch of ‘The Dunfermline Gospel’ an event which will invite visitors to handwrite a verse from Saint Mark’s Gospel creating a unique version of this piece of scripture.

Tucked away at the quiet side of the Pavilion will be an ecumenical Prayer Room, a place of calm and peace for those seeking escape from everyday distractions. Many of the churches will host an event in this room over the weekend, and all are welcome to attend.

“We hope to achieve a level of understanding of the various types and methods of worship” commented the Rev. Kathryn Price of the United Reformed Church located in Canmore Street, Dunfermline.

“More and more, we as Christians, are coming together to worship, as can be seen by the World Day of Prayer, and here, this weekend, we will have our own Global Day of Prayer event on Sunday.

Hopefully the Prayer Room will help people realise that we can, and we do, come together”.

Saturday will culminate with a number of contemporary Praise Bands leading a flamboyant musical end to the day.
Pentecost Sunday will see Morning Worship in the main hall, and again visitors are welcome to join this event.

Thereafter the day will continue with various events in the main auditorium, with several groups making a presentation.
The day finishes at 7pm with a big sing and fellowship as our local ‘Songs of Praise’ brings all the churches together in Worship.

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