Dunfermline Athletic

Continenatal Market

Monday, 14th Jun 2010

The ever successfull continental market is coming to town from Thu 26th Aug to Sun 29th Aug as part of the Bruce Festival.

Here is the list of traders` produce which is available at the market:

New stalls:
Garlic prawns
tartiflette from french alps ( potatoes, bacon, ognons, roblochon+spices)
Belgian chocolate
Swiss raclette
Transylvanian glass
peruvian craft and clothes
indonesian wooden carvings
african wooden carvings

traditional ones:
Italian olives
French and Swiss cheese
French Bakery ( croissants, fresh bread, patisserie)
Corsican saucissons
Britanny biscuits
Spanish paella
Irish chocolate
Parisien hand bags + marseille soaps+ lavender
German sausage BBQ
Pyreneen Jam
Polish amber Jewellery
Italian pachminas an watches
Middle eastern dried fruits & nuts
Dutch wooden flowers
Swiss caramelised peanuts + sweets

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